Groupon邮件曝光:拟进入中国 以华治华
DoNews 1月7日消息 我们希望中国地区的员工在3个月内可以增加至1000人”,7日早间一篇显示“发自Groupon新兴市场副总裁的招聘邮件”在业内流传,业内人士分析Groupon欲采用跨国公司常用的“空降”形式向中国区派遣管理人员,但在人员选择方面更偏向招募中国人进行管理。
Dear Sir/Madam,
I hope you don‘t mind me contacting you directly. I am a MIT alumni and now working as a Vice President International for Groupon.
We have had a tremendous success with Groupon around the world, as thefastest growing company at all times( which Google recently tried to acquire (。 We are now active in 35 countries and many others will follow.
The Asian market is really important for us, and especially China, where we are about to enter, why I contact you.
I am looking for very smart, talented, ambitious people with a strong interest in entrepreneurship to join the management of Groupon. Groupon is currently valued at around 6bn USD (according to the press) and in China we expect to grow to 1000 employees within the first 3 months. I am offering a very exciting, flexible, entrepreneurial internship opportunity with a lot of responsibility and freedom to grow a huge, successful, fun, creative company together and help Groupon get to the next level! We will build the next Google.
For students with a particular interest in Japan, we also have internship offerings in Tokyo.
We would be very interested in getting in touch with students with a strong interest in Asia and tell them more about the internship offering and hope you can help us with this. Please contact Stefan Bruun (cc) for any further questions.
I am looking forward to your response
Best regards,
Mads Faurholt-Jorgensen
Vice President
Groupon International
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